Energy Matters
Running since January 2023, Energy Matters provides free impartial energy information and support to residents in Cherwell and with additional funding expected mid February we are expanding into West Northants.
Energy Matters is for any household requiring energy support and is a fully remote service conducting appointments over the telephone or video call.
Eligibility and geographical criteria apply to deliverables and are allocated by the Energy Matters team subject to availability, on a first come first served basis.
We also attend events and conduct energy talks / workshops in community venues face to face or virtually. Please contact the team if you would like us to attend your event.
We provide support and information covering:
Switching providers / tariffs
Billing queries / prepayment meter queries / complaints
Energy ombudsman complaint escalation
Energy hardship fund applications
Energy debt support
Income maximisation
Provide fuel vouchers
Insulation / retrofit schemes
Boiler replacement schemes
Energy saving tips
Boiler efficiency / replacement manuals
Referral to Better Housing Better Health
Provide Carbon Monoxide alarms
Provide electric blankets
Smart meter queries
Warm Home Discount
Priority services register
Household support schemes
Referral for food vouchers
Provide supermarket vouchers
Provide heat the person / home packs
For self referral complete our referral form
Tel: 0330 094 7137
Follow us on facebook
We are a registered charity and rely on funding to enable us to continue our services in the community.
We are grateful to the following organisations for their generous support